#include "globals.h"
Macros | |
#define | pinIsSensor(pin) ( ((pin) == pinCLT) || ((pin) == pinIAT) || ((pin) == pinMAP) || ((pin) == pinTPS) || ((pin) == pinO2) || ((pin) == pinBat) || (((pin) == pinFlex) && (configPage2.flexEnabled != 0)) ) |
Functions | |
bool | pinIsOutput (byte pin) |
bool | pinIsUsed (byte pin) |
Instantiation of various (table2D, table3D) tables, volatile (interrupt modified) variables, Injector (1...8) enablement flags, etc.
#define pinIsSensor | ( | pin | ) | ( ((pin) == pinCLT) || ((pin) == pinIAT) || ((pin) == pinMAP) || ((pin) == pinTPS) || ((pin) == pinO2) || ((pin) == pinBat) || (((pin) == pinFlex) && (configPage2.flexEnabled != 0)) ) |
struct table3d16RpmLoad afrTable |
16x16 afr target map
struct table3d8RpmLoad boostTable |
8x8 boost map
struct table3d8RpmLoad boostTableLookupDuty |
8x8 boost map lookup table
uint16_t cltCalibration_bins[32] |
uint16_t cltCalibration_values[32] |
A 32 bin array containing the coolant temperature sensor calibration values
bool clutchTrigger |
volatile uint8_t compositeLogHistory[TOOTH_LOG_SIZE] |
The number of crank degrees that the system track over. Typically 720 divided by the number of squirts per cycle (Eg 360 for wasted 2 squirt and 720 for sequential single squirt)
The number of crank degrees that the system track over. 360 for wasted / timed batch and 720 for sequential.
The master global "live" status struct. Contains all values that are updated frequently and used across modules
struct table3d4RpmLoad dwellTable |
4x4 Dwell map
uint16_t fixedCrankingOverride = 0 |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE flex_pin_mask |
byte fpPrimeTime = 0 |
The time (in seconds, based on statuses::secl) that the fuel pump started priming.
struct table3d16RpmLoad fuelTable |
16x16 fuel map
struct table3d16RpmLoad fuelTable2 |
16x16 fuel map
Each bit in this variable represents one of the ignition channels and it's HW test status
Each bit in this variable represents one of the ignition channels and it's 50% HW test status
Each bit in this variable represents one of the injector channels and it's HW test status
Each bit in this variable represents one of the injector channels and it's pulsed HW test status
uint16_t iatCalibration_bins[32] |
uint16_t iatCalibration_values[32] |
A 32 bin array containing the inlet air temperature sensor calibration values
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign1_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign2_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign3_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign4_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign5_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign6_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign7_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign8_pin_mask |
The count of ignition events that have taken place since the engine started
byte ignitionOutputControl = OUTPUT_CONTROL_DIRECT |
Specifies whether the coils are controlled directly (Via an IO pin) or using something like the MC33810. 0 = Direct (OUTPUT_CONTROL_DIRECT), 10 = MC33810 (OUTPUT_CONTROL_MC33810)
struct table3d16RpmLoad ignitionTable |
16x16 ignition map
struct table3d16RpmLoad ignitionTable2 |
16x16 ignition map
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj1_pin_mask |
volatile inj*_pin_port and inj*_pin_mask vars are for the direct port manipulation of the injectors, coils and aux outputs.
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj2_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj3_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj4_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj5_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj6_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj7_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj8_pin_mask |
byte injectorOutputControl = OUTPUT_CONTROL_DIRECT |
Specifies whether the injectors are controlled directly (Via an IO pin) or using something like the MC33810. 0 = Direct (OUTPUT_CONTROL_DIRECT), 10 = MC33810 (OUTPUT_CONTROL_MC33810)
byte maxIgnOutputs = 1 |
Number of ignition outputs being used by the current tune configuration
byte maxInjOutputs = 1 |
Number of injection outputs being used by the current tune configuration
uint16_t o2Calibration_bins[32] |
uint8_t o2Calibration_values[32] |
byte pinAirConComp |
byte pinAirConFan |
byte pinAirConRequest |
byte pinBaro |
byte pinBat |
byte pinBoost |
byte pinCLT |
byte pinCoil1 |
Pin for coil 1.
byte pinCoil2 |
Pin for coil 2.
byte pinCoil3 |
Pin for coil 3.
byte pinCoil4 |
Pin for coil 4.
byte pinCoil5 |
Pin for coil 5.
byte pinCoil6 |
Pin for coil 6.
byte pinCoil7 |
Pin for coil 7.
byte pinCoil8 |
Pin for coil 8.
byte pinCTPS |
byte pinDisplayReset |
byte pinEMAP |
byte pinFan |
Cooling fan output (on/off? See: auxiliaries.ino)
byte pinFlex |
byte pinFuel2Input |
byte pinFuelPressure |
byte pinFuelPump |
byte pinIAT |
byte pinIdle1 |
byte pinIdle2 |
byte pinIdleUp |
byte pinIdleUpOutput |
byte pinIgnBypass |
byte pinInjector1 |
Various pin numbering (Injectors, Ign outputs, CAS, Cam, Sensors. etc.) assignments.
Output pin injector 1
byte pinInjector2 |
Output pin injector 2.
byte pinInjector3 |
Output pin injector 3.
byte pinInjector4 |
Output pin injector 4.
byte pinInjector5 |
Output pin injector 5.
byte pinInjector6 |
Output pin injector 6.
byte pinInjector7 |
Output pin injector 7.
byte pinInjector8 |
Output pin injector 8.
byte pinLaunch |
byte pinMAP |
byte pinMAP2 |
byte pinMC33810_1_CS |
byte pinMC33810_2_CS |
byte pinO2 |
byte pinO2_2 |
byte pinOilPressure |
byte pinResetControl |
byte pinSDEnable |
byte pinSpareHOut1 |
byte pinSpareHOut2 |
byte pinSpareLOut1 |
byte pinSpareLOut2 |
byte pinSpareLOut3 |
byte pinSpareLOut4 |
byte pinSpareLOut5 |
byte pinSpareOut1 |
byte pinSpareOut2 |
byte pinSpareOut3 |
byte pinSpareOut4 |
byte pinSpareOut5 |
byte pinSpareOut6 |
byte pinSpareTemp1 |
byte pinSpareTemp2 |
byte pinSpark2Input |
byte pinStepperDir |
byte pinStepperEnable |
byte pinStepperStep |
byte pinTachOut |
byte pinTPS |
byte pinTrigger |
RPM1 (Typically CAS=crankshaft angle sensor) pin.
byte pinTrigger2 |
RPM2 (Typically the Cam Sensor) pin.
byte pinTrigger3 |
the 2nd cam sensor pin
byte pinVSS |
byte pinVVT_1 |
vvt (variable valve timing) output 1
byte pinVVT_2 |
vvt (variable valve timing) output 2
byte pinWMIEmpty |
byte pinWMIEnabled |
byte pinWMIIndicator |
bool previousClutchTrigger |
byte primaryTriggerEdge |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE pump_pin_mask |
byte resetControl = RESET_CONTROL_DISABLED |
resetControl needs to be here (as global) because using the config page (4) directly can prevent burning the setting
uint32_t revolutionTime |
Counter of seconds since cranking commenced (similar to runSecs) but in increments of 0.1 seconds
Counter of seconds since powered commenced (similar to secl) but in increments of 0.1 seconds
byte secondaryTriggerEdge |
uint8_t softLimitTime = 0 |
struct table3d8RpmLoad stagingTable |
8x8 fuel staging table
volatile PINMASK_TYPE tach_pin_mask |
byte tertiaryTriggerEdge |
volatile uint32_t toothHistory[TOOTH_LOG_SIZE] |
Tooth trigger history - delta time (in uS) from last tooth (Indexed by toothHistoryIndex)
Current index to toothHistory array.
volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerPri_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerSec_pin_mask |
volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerThird_pin_mask |
trimTable3d trim1Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 1 map
trimTable3d trim2Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 2 map
trimTable3d trim3Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 3 map
trimTable3d trim4Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 4 map
trimTable3d trim5Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 5 map
trimTable3d trim6Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 6 map
trimTable3d trim7Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 7 map
trimTable3d trim8Table |
6x6 Fuel trim 8 map
struct table3d8RpmLoad vvt2Table |
8x8 vvt2 map
struct table3d8RpmLoad vvtTable |
8x8 vvt map
struct table3d8RpmLoad wmiTable |
8x8 wmi map