#include <config_pages.h>
Public Attributes | |
int16_t | triggerAngle |
Angle (ATDC) when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel sends signal (-360 to +360 deg.) | |
int8_t | FixAng |
Fixed Ignition angle value (enabled by configPage2.fixAngEnable, copied to ignFixValue, Negative values allowed, See corrections.ino) | |
int8_t | CrankAng |
Fixed start-up/cranking ignition angle (See: corrections.ino) | |
byte | TrigAngMul |
Multiplier for non evenly divisible tooth counts. | |
byte | TrigEdge: 1 |
Primary (RPM1) Trigger Edge - 0 - RISING, 1 = FALLING (Copied from this config to primaryTriggerEdge) | |
byte | TrigSpeed: 1 |
Primary (RPM1) Trigger speed - 0 = crank speed (CRANK_SPEED), 1 = cam speed (CAM_SPEED), See decoders.ino. | |
byte | IgInv: 1 |
Ignition signal invert (?) (GOING_LOW=0 (default by init.ino) / GOING_HIGH=1 ) | |
byte | TrigPattern: 5 |
byte | TrigEdgeSec: 1 |
Secondary (RPM2) Trigger Edge (See RPM1) | |
byte | fuelPumpPin: 6 |
Fuel pump pin (copied as override to pinFuelPump, defaults to board default, See: init.ino) | |
byte | useResync: 1 |
byte | sparkDur |
Spark duration in ms * 10. | |
byte | trigPatternSec: 7 |
Mode for Missing tooth secondary trigger - 0=single tooth cam wheel (SEC_TRIGGER_SINGLE), 1=4-1 (SEC_TRIGGER_4_1) or 2=poll level mode (SEC_TRIGGER_POLL) | |
byte | PollLevelPolarity: 1 |
uint8_t | bootloaderCaps |
byte | resetControlConfig: 2 |
byte | resetControlPin: 6 |
byte | StgCycles |
byte | boostType: 1 |
Boost Control type: 0=Open loop (OPEN_LOOP_BOOST), 1=closed loop (CLOSED_LOOP_BOOST) | |
byte | useDwellLim: 1 |
byte | sparkMode: 3 |
byte | triggerFilter: 2 |
byte | ignCranklock: 1 |
uint8_t | dwellCrank |
Dwell time whilst cranking. | |
uint8_t | dwellRun |
Dwell time whilst running. | |
byte | triggerTeeth |
The full count of teeth on the trigger wheel if there were no gaps. | |
byte | triggerMissingTeeth |
The size of the tooth gap (ie number of missing teeth) | |
byte | crankRPM |
RPM below which the engine is considered to be cranking. | |
byte | floodClear |
TPS (raw adc count? % ?) value that triggers flood clear mode (No fuel whilst cranking, See correctionFloodClear()) | |
byte | SoftRevLim |
Soft rev limit (RPM/100) | |
byte | SoftLimRetard |
Amount soft limit (ignition) retard (degrees) | |
byte | SoftLimMax |
Time the soft limit can run (units 0.1S) | |
byte | HardRevLim |
Hard rev limit (RPM/100) | |
byte | taeBins [4] |
TPS based acceleration enrichment bins (Unit: %/s) | |
byte | taeValues [4] |
TPS based acceleration enrichment rates (Unit: % to add), values matched to thresholds of taeBins. | |
byte | wueBins [10] |
Warmup Enrichment bins (Values are in configPage2.wueValues OLD:configTable1) | |
byte | dwellLimit |
byte | dwellCorrectionValues [6] |
Correction table for dwell vs battery voltage. | |
byte | iatRetBins [6] |
Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve bins (Unit: ...) | |
byte | iatRetValues [6] |
Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve values (Unit: ...) | |
byte | dfcoRPM |
RPM at which DFCO turns off/on at. | |
byte | dfcoHyster |
byte | dfcoTPSThresh |
byte | ignBypassEnabled: 1 |
byte | ignBypassPin: 6 |
byte | ignBypassHiLo: 1 |
uint8_t | ADCFILTER_TPS |
uint8_t | ADCFILTER_CLT |
uint8_t | ADCFILTER_IAT |
uint8_t | ADCFILTER_O2 |
uint8_t | ADCFILTER_BAT |
uint8_t | ADCFILTER_MAP |
uint8_t | ADCFILTER_BARO |
byte | cltAdvBins [6] |
byte | cltAdvValues [6] |
byte | maeBins [4] |
byte | maeRates [4] |
int8_t | batVoltCorrect |
byte | baroFuelBins [8] |
byte | baroFuelValues [8] |
byte | idleAdvBins [6] |
byte | idleAdvValues [6] |
byte | engineProtectMaxRPM |
int16_t | vvt2CL0DutyAng |
byte | vvt2PWMdir: 1 |
byte | inj4cylPairing: 2 |
byte | dwellErrCorrect: 1 |
byte | CANBroadcastProtocol: 3 |
byte | unusedBits4: 1 |
byte | FILTER_FLEX |
byte | vvtMinClt |
byte | vvtDelay |
Page 4 of the config - variables required for ignition and rpm/crank phase /cam phase decoding. See the ini file for further reference.
uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_BARO |
uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_BAT |
uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_CLT |
uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_IAT |
uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_MAP |
uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_O2 |
uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_TPS |
byte config4::ANGLEFILTER_VVT |
byte config4::baroFuelBins[8] |
byte config4::baroFuelValues[8] |
int8_t config4::batVoltCorrect |
Battery voltage calibration offset (Given as 10x value, e.g. 2v => 20)
byte config4::boostType |
Boost Control type: 0=Open loop (OPEN_LOOP_BOOST), 1=closed loop (CLOSED_LOOP_BOOST)
uint8_t config4::bootloaderCaps |
byte config4::CANBroadcastProtocol |
byte config4::cltAdvBins[6] |
Coolant Temp timing advance curve bins
byte config4::cltAdvValues[6] |
Coolant timing advance curve values. These are translated by 15 to allow for negative values
int8_t config4::CrankAng |
Fixed start-up/cranking ignition angle (See: corrections.ino)
byte config4::crankRPM |
RPM below which the engine is considered to be cranking.
byte config4::dfcoHyster |
byte config4::dfcoRPM |
RPM at which DFCO turns off/on at.
byte config4::dfcoTPSThresh |
byte config4::dwellCorrectionValues[6] |
Correction table for dwell vs battery voltage.
uint8_t config4::dwellCrank |
Dwell time whilst cranking.
byte config4::dwellErrCorrect |
byte config4::dwellLimit |
uint8_t config4::dwellRun |
Dwell time whilst running.
byte config4::engineProtectMaxRPM |
byte config4::FILTER_FLEX |
int8_t config4::FixAng |
Fixed Ignition angle value (enabled by configPage2.fixAngEnable, copied to ignFixValue, Negative values allowed, See corrections.ino)
byte config4::floodClear |
TPS (raw adc count? % ?) value that triggers flood clear mode (No fuel whilst cranking, See correctionFloodClear())
byte config4::fuelPumpPin |
Fuel pump pin (copied as override to pinFuelPump, defaults to board default, See: init.ino)
byte config4::HardRevLim |
Hard rev limit (RPM/100)
byte config4::iatRetBins[6] |
Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve bins (Unit: ...)
byte config4::iatRetValues[6] |
Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve values (Unit: ...)
byte config4::idleAdvBins[6] |
byte config4::idleAdvValues[6] |
byte config4::IgInv |
Ignition signal invert (?) (GOING_LOW=0 (default by init.ino) / GOING_HIGH=1 )
byte config4::ignBypassEnabled |
byte config4::ignBypassHiLo |
byte config4::ignBypassPin |
byte config4::ignCranklock |
byte config4::inj4cylPairing |
byte config4::maeBins[4] |
MAP based AE MAPdot bins
byte config4::maeRates[4] |
MAP based AE values
byte config4::PollLevelPolarity |
byte config4::resetControlConfig |
byte config4::resetControlPin |
Which method of reset control to use - 0=Disabled (RESET_CONTROL_DISABLED), 1=Prevent When Running (RESET_CONTROL_PREVENT_WHEN_RUNNING), 2=Prevent Always (RESET_CONTROL_PREVENT_ALWAYS), 3=Serial Command (RESET_CONTROL_SERIAL_COMMAND) - Copied to resetControl (See init.ino, utilities.ino)
byte config4::SoftLimMax |
Time the soft limit can run (units 0.1S)
byte config4::SoftLimRetard |
Amount soft limit (ignition) retard (degrees)
byte config4::SoftRevLim |
Soft rev limit (RPM/100)
byte config4::sparkDur |
Spark duration in ms * 10.
byte config4::sparkMode |
byte config4::StgCycles |
byte config4::taeBins[4] |
TPS based acceleration enrichment bins (Unit: %/s)
byte config4::taeValues[4] |
TPS based acceleration enrichment rates (Unit: % to add), values matched to thresholds of taeBins.
byte config4::TrigAngMul |
Multiplier for non evenly divisible tooth counts.
byte config4::TrigEdge |
Primary (RPM1) Trigger Edge - 0 - RISING, 1 = FALLING (Copied from this config to primaryTriggerEdge)
byte config4::TrigEdgeSec |
Secondary (RPM2) Trigger Edge (See RPM1)
int16_t config4::triggerAngle |
Angle (ATDC) when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel sends signal (-360 to +360 deg.)
byte config4::triggerFilter |
Ignition/Spark output mode - 0=Wasted spark (IGN_MODE_WASTED), 1=single channel (IGN_MODE_SINGLE), 2=Wasted COP (IGN_MODE_WASTEDCOP), 3=Sequential (IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL), 4=Rotary (IGN_MODE_ROTARY)
byte config4::triggerMissingTeeth |
The size of the tooth gap (ie number of missing teeth)
byte config4::triggerTeeth |
The full count of teeth on the trigger wheel if there were no gaps.
byte config4::TrigPattern |
byte config4::trigPatternSec |
Mode for Missing tooth secondary trigger - 0=single tooth cam wheel (SEC_TRIGGER_SINGLE), 1=4-1 (SEC_TRIGGER_4_1) or 2=poll level mode (SEC_TRIGGER_POLL)
byte config4::TrigSpeed |
Primary (RPM1) Trigger speed - 0 = crank speed (CRANK_SPEED), 1 = cam speed (CAM_SPEED), See decoders.ino.
byte config4::unusedBits4 |
byte config4::useDwellLim |
byte config4::useResync |
int16_t config4::vvt2CL0DutyAng |
byte config4::vvt2PWMdir |
byte config4::vvtDelay |
byte config4::vvtMinClt |
byte config4::wueBins[10] |
Warmup Enrichment bins (Values are in configPage2.wueValues OLD:configTable1)