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config4 Struct Reference

#include <config_pages.h>

Public Attributes

int16_t triggerAngle
 Angle (ATDC) when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel sends signal (-360 to +360 deg.)
int8_t FixAng
 Fixed Ignition angle value (enabled by configPage2.fixAngEnable, copied to ignFixValue, Negative values allowed, See corrections.ino)
int8_t CrankAng
 Fixed start-up/cranking ignition angle (See: corrections.ino)
byte TrigAngMul
 Multiplier for non evenly divisible tooth counts.
byte TrigEdge: 1
 Primary (RPM1) Trigger Edge - 0 - RISING, 1 = FALLING (Copied from this config to primaryTriggerEdge)
byte TrigSpeed: 1
 Primary (RPM1) Trigger speed - 0 = crank speed (CRANK_SPEED), 1 = cam speed (CAM_SPEED), See decoders.ino.
byte IgInv: 1
 Ignition signal invert (?) (GOING_LOW=0 (default by init.ino) / GOING_HIGH=1 )
byte TrigPattern: 5
byte TrigEdgeSec: 1
 Secondary (RPM2) Trigger Edge (See RPM1)
byte fuelPumpPin: 6
 Fuel pump pin (copied as override to pinFuelPump, defaults to board default, See: init.ino)
byte useResync: 1
byte sparkDur
 Spark duration in ms * 10.
byte trigPatternSec: 7
 Mode for Missing tooth secondary trigger - 0=single tooth cam wheel (SEC_TRIGGER_SINGLE), 1=4-1 (SEC_TRIGGER_4_1) or 2=poll level mode (SEC_TRIGGER_POLL)
byte PollLevelPolarity: 1
uint8_t bootloaderCaps
byte resetControlConfig: 2
byte resetControlPin: 6
byte StgCycles
byte boostType: 1
 Boost Control type: 0=Open loop (OPEN_LOOP_BOOST), 1=closed loop (CLOSED_LOOP_BOOST)
byte useDwellLim: 1
byte sparkMode: 3
byte triggerFilter: 2
byte ignCranklock: 1
uint8_t dwellCrank
 Dwell time whilst cranking.
uint8_t dwellRun
 Dwell time whilst running.
byte triggerTeeth
 The full count of teeth on the trigger wheel if there were no gaps.
byte triggerMissingTeeth
 The size of the tooth gap (ie number of missing teeth)
byte crankRPM
 RPM below which the engine is considered to be cranking.
byte floodClear
 TPS (raw adc count? % ?) value that triggers flood clear mode (No fuel whilst cranking, See correctionFloodClear())
byte SoftRevLim
 Soft rev limit (RPM/100)
byte SoftLimRetard
 Amount soft limit (ignition) retard (degrees)
byte SoftLimMax
 Time the soft limit can run (units 0.1S)
byte HardRevLim
 Hard rev limit (RPM/100)
byte taeBins [4]
 TPS based acceleration enrichment bins (Unit: %/s)
byte taeValues [4]
 TPS based acceleration enrichment rates (Unit: % to add), values matched to thresholds of taeBins.
byte wueBins [10]
 Warmup Enrichment bins (Values are in configPage2.wueValues OLD:configTable1)
byte dwellLimit
byte dwellCorrectionValues [6]
 Correction table for dwell vs battery voltage.
byte iatRetBins [6]
 Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve bins (Unit: ...)
byte iatRetValues [6]
 Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve values (Unit: ...)
byte dfcoRPM
 RPM at which DFCO turns off/on at.
byte dfcoHyster
byte dfcoTPSThresh
byte ignBypassEnabled: 1
byte ignBypassPin: 6
byte ignBypassHiLo: 1
uint8_t ADCFILTER_O2
byte cltAdvBins [6]
byte cltAdvValues [6]
byte maeBins [4]
byte maeRates [4]
int8_t batVoltCorrect
byte baroFuelBins [8]
byte baroFuelValues [8]
byte idleAdvBins [6]
byte idleAdvValues [6]
byte engineProtectMaxRPM
int16_t vvt2CL0DutyAng
byte vvt2PWMdir: 1
byte inj4cylPairing: 2
byte dwellErrCorrect: 1
byte CANBroadcastProtocol: 3
byte unusedBits4: 1
byte vvtMinClt
byte vvtDelay

Detailed Description

Page 4 of the config - variables required for ignition and rpm/crank phase /cam phase decoding. See the ini file for further reference.

Member Data Documentation


uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_BARO


uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_BAT


uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_CLT


uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_IAT


uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_MAP


uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_O2


uint8_t config4::ADCFILTER_TPS


byte config4::ANGLEFILTER_VVT

◆ baroFuelBins

byte config4::baroFuelBins[8]

◆ baroFuelValues

byte config4::baroFuelValues[8]

◆ batVoltCorrect

int8_t config4::batVoltCorrect

Battery voltage calibration offset (Given as 10x value, e.g. 2v => 20)

◆ boostType

byte config4::boostType

Boost Control type: 0=Open loop (OPEN_LOOP_BOOST), 1=closed loop (CLOSED_LOOP_BOOST)

◆ bootloaderCaps

uint8_t config4::bootloaderCaps

◆ CANBroadcastProtocol

byte config4::CANBroadcastProtocol

◆ cltAdvBins

byte config4::cltAdvBins[6]

Coolant Temp timing advance curve bins

◆ cltAdvValues

byte config4::cltAdvValues[6]

Coolant timing advance curve values. These are translated by 15 to allow for negative values

◆ CrankAng

int8_t config4::CrankAng

Fixed start-up/cranking ignition angle (See: corrections.ino)

◆ crankRPM

byte config4::crankRPM

RPM below which the engine is considered to be cranking.

◆ dfcoHyster

byte config4::dfcoHyster

◆ dfcoRPM

byte config4::dfcoRPM

RPM at which DFCO turns off/on at.

◆ dfcoTPSThresh

byte config4::dfcoTPSThresh

◆ dwellCorrectionValues

byte config4::dwellCorrectionValues[6]

Correction table for dwell vs battery voltage.

◆ dwellCrank

uint8_t config4::dwellCrank

Dwell time whilst cranking.

◆ dwellErrCorrect

byte config4::dwellErrCorrect

◆ dwellLimit

byte config4::dwellLimit

◆ dwellRun

uint8_t config4::dwellRun

Dwell time whilst running.

◆ engineProtectMaxRPM

byte config4::engineProtectMaxRPM


byte config4::FILTER_FLEX

◆ FixAng

int8_t config4::FixAng

Fixed Ignition angle value (enabled by configPage2.fixAngEnable, copied to ignFixValue, Negative values allowed, See corrections.ino)

◆ floodClear

byte config4::floodClear

TPS (raw adc count? % ?) value that triggers flood clear mode (No fuel whilst cranking, See correctionFloodClear())

◆ fuelPumpPin

byte config4::fuelPumpPin

Fuel pump pin (copied as override to pinFuelPump, defaults to board default, See: init.ino)

◆ HardRevLim

byte config4::HardRevLim

Hard rev limit (RPM/100)

◆ iatRetBins

byte config4::iatRetBins[6]

Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve bins (Unit: ...)

◆ iatRetValues

byte config4::iatRetValues[6]

Inlet Air Temp timing retard curve values (Unit: ...)

◆ idleAdvBins

byte config4::idleAdvBins[6]

◆ idleAdvValues

byte config4::idleAdvValues[6]

◆ IgInv

byte config4::IgInv

Ignition signal invert (?) (GOING_LOW=0 (default by init.ino) / GOING_HIGH=1 )

◆ ignBypassEnabled

byte config4::ignBypassEnabled

◆ ignBypassHiLo

byte config4::ignBypassHiLo

◆ ignBypassPin

byte config4::ignBypassPin

◆ ignCranklock

byte config4::ignCranklock

◆ inj4cylPairing

byte config4::inj4cylPairing

◆ maeBins

byte config4::maeBins[4]

MAP based AE MAPdot bins

◆ maeRates

byte config4::maeRates[4]

MAP based AE values

◆ PollLevelPolarity

byte config4::PollLevelPolarity

◆ resetControlConfig

byte config4::resetControlConfig

◆ resetControlPin

byte config4::resetControlPin

Which method of reset control to use - 0=Disabled (RESET_CONTROL_DISABLED), 1=Prevent When Running (RESET_CONTROL_PREVENT_WHEN_RUNNING), 2=Prevent Always (RESET_CONTROL_PREVENT_ALWAYS), 3=Serial Command (RESET_CONTROL_SERIAL_COMMAND) - Copied to resetControl (See init.ino, utilities.ino)

◆ SoftLimMax

byte config4::SoftLimMax

Time the soft limit can run (units 0.1S)

◆ SoftLimRetard

byte config4::SoftLimRetard

Amount soft limit (ignition) retard (degrees)

◆ SoftRevLim

byte config4::SoftRevLim

Soft rev limit (RPM/100)

◆ sparkDur

byte config4::sparkDur

Spark duration in ms * 10.

◆ sparkMode

byte config4::sparkMode

◆ StgCycles

byte config4::StgCycles

◆ taeBins

byte config4::taeBins[4]

TPS based acceleration enrichment bins (Unit: %/s)

◆ taeValues

byte config4::taeValues[4]

TPS based acceleration enrichment rates (Unit: % to add), values matched to thresholds of taeBins.

◆ TrigAngMul

byte config4::TrigAngMul

Multiplier for non evenly divisible tooth counts.

◆ TrigEdge

byte config4::TrigEdge

Primary (RPM1) Trigger Edge - 0 - RISING, 1 = FALLING (Copied from this config to primaryTriggerEdge)

◆ TrigEdgeSec

byte config4::TrigEdgeSec

Secondary (RPM2) Trigger Edge (See RPM1)

◆ triggerAngle

int16_t config4::triggerAngle

Angle (ATDC) when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel sends signal (-360 to +360 deg.)

◆ triggerFilter

byte config4::triggerFilter

Ignition/Spark output mode - 0=Wasted spark (IGN_MODE_WASTED), 1=single channel (IGN_MODE_SINGLE), 2=Wasted COP (IGN_MODE_WASTEDCOP), 3=Sequential (IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL), 4=Rotary (IGN_MODE_ROTARY)

◆ triggerMissingTeeth

byte config4::triggerMissingTeeth

The size of the tooth gap (ie number of missing teeth)

◆ triggerTeeth

byte config4::triggerTeeth

The full count of teeth on the trigger wheel if there were no gaps.

◆ TrigPattern

byte config4::TrigPattern


◆ trigPatternSec

byte config4::trigPatternSec

Mode for Missing tooth secondary trigger - 0=single tooth cam wheel (SEC_TRIGGER_SINGLE), 1=4-1 (SEC_TRIGGER_4_1) or 2=poll level mode (SEC_TRIGGER_POLL)

◆ TrigSpeed

byte config4::TrigSpeed

Primary (RPM1) Trigger speed - 0 = crank speed (CRANK_SPEED), 1 = cam speed (CAM_SPEED), See decoders.ino.

◆ unusedBits4

byte config4::unusedBits4

◆ useDwellLim

byte config4::useDwellLim

◆ useResync

byte config4::useResync

◆ vvt2CL0DutyAng

int16_t config4::vvt2CL0DutyAng

◆ vvt2PWMdir

byte config4::vvt2PWMdir

◆ vvtDelay

byte config4::vvtDelay

◆ vvtMinClt

byte config4::vvtMinClt

◆ wueBins

byte config4::wueBins[10]

Warmup Enrichment bins (Values are in configPage2.wueValues OLD:configTable1)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: