#include <config_pages.h>
Page 9 of the config - mostly deals with CANBUS control. See ini file for further info (Config Page 10 in the ini).
byte config9::afrProtectCutTime |
byte config9::afrProtectDeviation |
byte config9::afrProtectEnabled |
byte config9::afrProtectMinMAP |
byte config9::afrProtectMinRPM |
byte config9::afrProtectMinTPS |
byte config9::afrProtectReactivationTPS |
uint8_t config9::Auxinpina[16] |
uint8_t config9::Auxinpinb[16] |
byte config9::blankField |
byte config9::boostByGear1 |
byte config9::boostByGear2 |
byte config9::boostByGear3 |
byte config9::boostByGear4 |
byte config9::boostByGear5 |
byte config9::boostByGear6 |
byte config9::boostByGearEnabled |
byte config9::caninput_sel[16] |
uint16_t config9::caninput_source_can_address[16] |
uint16_t config9::caninput_source_num_bytes |
uint8_t config9::caninput_source_start_byte[16] |
byte config9::caninputEndianess |
uint16_t config9::canoutput_param_group[8] |
byte config9::canoutput_param_num_bytes[8] |
uint8_t config9::canoutput_param_start_byte[8] |
byte config9::canoutput_sel[8] |
byte config9::coolantProtRPM[6] |
byte config9::coolantProtTemp[6] |
byte config9::dfcoTaperAdvance |
byte config9::dfcoTaperEnable |
byte config9::dfcoTaperFuel |
byte config9::dfcoTaperTime |
byte config9::egoMAPMax |
byte config9::egoMAPMin |
byte config9::enable_candata_out |
byte config9::enable_intcan |
byte config9::enable_secondarySerial |
byte config9::hardRevMode |
byte config9::iacCoolTime |
byte config9::iacMaxSteps |
byte config9::iacStepperInv |
byte config9::iacStepperPower |
byte config9::idleAdvStartDelay |
byte config9::intcan_available |
uint16_t config9::obd_address |
byte config9::PWMFanDuty[4] |
uint16_t config9::realtime_base_address |
byte config9::secondarySerialProtocol |
byte config9::speeduino_tsCanId |
uint16_t config9::true_address |
byte config9::unused10_110 |
byte config9::unused10_111 |
byte config9::unused10_179 |
byte config9::unused10_183 |
byte config9::unused10_184 |
byte config9::unused10_68 |
byte config9::unused9_0 |