#include <globals.h>
Page 10 - No specific purpose. Created initially for the cranking enrich curve. 192 bytes long. See ini file for further info (Config Page 11 in the ini).
byte config10::boostIntv |
uint16_t config10::boostSens |
byte config10::crankingEnrichBins[4] |
byte config10::crankingEnrichTaper |
byte config10::crankingEnrichValues[4] |
byte config10::EMAPPin |
uint8_t config10::flexAdvAdj[6] |
uint8_t config10::flexAdvBins[6] |
int16_t config10::flexBoostAdj[6] |
uint8_t config10::flexBoostBins[6] |
uint8_t config10::flexFuelAdj[6] |
uint8_t config10::flexFuelBins[6] |
byte config10::fuel2Algorithm |
byte config10::fuel2InputPin |
byte config10::fuel2InputPolarity |
byte config10::fuel2InputPullup |
byte config10::fuel2Mode |
uint16_t config10::fuel2SwitchValue |
byte config10::fuel2SwitchVariable |
byte config10::fuelPressureEnable |
Enable fuel pressure sensing from an analog pin (pinFuelPressure)
byte config10::fuelPressureMax |
int8_t config10::fuelPressureMin |
byte config10::fuelPressurePin |
byte config10::fuelTempBins[6] |
byte config10::fuelTempValues[6] |
byte config10::knock_count |
byte config10::knock_duration |
byte config10::knock_firstStep |
byte config10::knock_limiterDisable |
byte config10::knock_maxMAP |
byte config10::knock_maxRetard |
byte config10::knock_maxRPM |
byte config10::knock_mode |
byte config10::knock_pin |
byte config10::knock_pullup |
byte config10::knock_recoveryStep |
byte config10::knock_recoveryStepTime |
byte config10::knock_stepSize |
byte config10::knock_stepTime |
byte config10::knock_threshold |
byte config10::knock_trigger |
byte config10::knock_unused |
byte config10::knock_window_angle[6] |
byte config10::knock_window_dur[6] |
byte config10::knock_window_rpms[6] |
byte config10::lnchCtrlTPS |
byte config10::lnchCtrlVss |
byte config10::n2o_arming_pin |
byte config10::n2o_enable |
byte config10::n2o_maxAFR |
byte config10::n2o_maxMAP |
byte config10::n2o_minCLT |
byte config10::n2o_minTPS |
byte config10::n2o_pin_polarity |
byte config10::n2o_stage1_adderMax |
byte config10::n2o_stage1_adderMin |
byte config10::n2o_stage1_maxRPM |
byte config10::n2o_stage1_minRPM |
byte config10::n2o_stage1_pin |
byte config10::n2o_stage1_retard |
byte config10::n2o_stage1_unused |
byte config10::n2o_stage2_adderMax |
byte config10::n2o_stage2_adderMin |
byte config10::n2o_stage2_maxRPM |
byte config10::n2o_stage2_minRPM |
byte config10::n2o_stage2_pin |
byte config10::n2o_stage2_retard |
byte config10::n2o_stage2_unused |
byte config10::oilPressureEnable |
Enable oil pressure sensing from an analog pin (pinOilPressure)
byte config10::oilPressureMax |
int8_t config10::oilPressureMin |
byte config10::oilPressurePin |
byte config10::oilPressureProtEnbl |
byte config10::oilPressureProtMins[4] |
byte config10::oilPressureProtRPM[4] |
byte config10::oilPressureProtTime |
byte config10::rotarySplitBins[8] |
byte config10::rotarySplitValues[8] |
byte config10::rotaryType |
byte config10::spark2Algorithm |
byte config10::spark2InputPin |
byte config10::spark2InputPolarity |
byte config10::spark2InputPullup |
byte config10::spark2Mode |
uint16_t config10::spark2SwitchValue |
byte config10::spark2SwitchVariable |
uint16_t config10::stagedInjSizePri |
uint16_t config10::stagedInjSizeSec |
byte config10::stagingEnabled |
byte config10::stagingMode |
byte config10::TrigEdgeThrd |
byte config10::unused11_165 |
byte config10::vvt2Enabled |
byte config10::vvt2Pin |
int16_t config10::vvtCL0DutyAng |
byte config10::vvtCLholdDuty |
byte config10::vvtCLKD |
byte config10::vvtCLKI |
byte config10::vvtCLKP |
uint8_t config10::vvtCLMaxAng |
byte config10::vvtCLmaxDuty |
uint8_t config10::vvtCLMinAng |
byte config10::vvtCLminDuty |
byte config10::wmiAdvAdj[6] |
byte config10::wmiAdvBins[6] |
byte config10::wmiAdvEnabled |
byte config10::wmiEmptyEnabled |
byte config10::wmiEmptyPin |
byte config10::wmiEmptyPolarity |
byte config10::wmiEnabled |
byte config10::wmiEnabledPin |
byte config10::wmiIAT |
byte config10::wmiIndicatorEnabled |
byte config10::wmiIndicatorPin |
byte config10::wmiIndicatorPolarity |
byte config10::wmiMAP |
byte config10::wmiMAP2 |
byte config10::wmiMode |
int8_t config10::wmiOffset |
byte config10::wmiRPM |
byte config10::wmiTPS |