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Macros | Functions | Variables
idle.cpp File Reference
#include "idle.h"
#include "maths.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "src/PID_v1/PID_v1.h"


#define STEPPER_LESS_AIR_DIRECTION()   ((configPage9.iacStepperInv == 0) ? STEPPER_BACKWARD : STEPPER_FORWARD)
#define STEPPER_MORE_AIR_DIRECTION()   ((configPage9.iacStepperInv == 0) ? STEPPER_FORWARD : STEPPER_BACKWARD)


static void enableIdle (void)
void initialiseIdle (bool forcehoming)
void initialiseIdleUpOutput (void)
static byte checkForStepping (void)
static void doStep (void)
static byte isStepperHomed (void)
void idleControl (void)
void disableIdle (void)
void idleInterrupt (void)


byte idleUpOutputHIGH = HIGH
byte idleUpOutputLOW = LOW
byte idleCounter
uint8_t idleTaper
struct StepperIdle idleStepper
bool idleOn
byte idleInitComplete = 99
unsigned int iacStepTime_uS
unsigned int iacCoolTime_uS
unsigned int completedHomeSteps
volatile bool idle_pwm_state
bool lastDFCOValue
uint16_t idle_pwm_max_count
volatile unsigned int idle_pwm_cur_value
long idle_pid_target_value
long FeedForwardTerm
unsigned long idle_pwm_target_value
long idle_cl_target_rpm
volatile PORT_TYPEidle_pin_port
volatile PINMASK_TYPE idle_pin_mask
volatile PORT_TYPEidle2_pin_port
volatile PINMASK_TYPE idle2_pin_mask
volatile PORT_TYPEidleUpOutput_pin_port
volatile PINMASK_TYPE idleUpOutput_pin_mask
struct table2D iacPWMTable
struct table2D iacStepTable
struct table2D iacCrankStepsTable
struct table2D iacCrankDutyTable
integerPID idlePIDcurrentStatus

Macro Definition Documentation


#define STEPPER_LESS_AIR_DIRECTION ( )    ((configPage9.iacStepperInv == 0) ? STEPPER_BACKWARD : STEPPER_FORWARD)


#define STEPPER_MORE_AIR_DIRECTION ( )    ((configPage9.iacStepperInv == 0) ? STEPPER_FORWARD : STEPPER_BACKWARD)

Function Documentation

◆ checkForStepping()

static byte checkForStepping ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ disableIdle()

void disableIdle ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ doStep()

static void doStep ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ enableIdle()

static void enableIdle ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idleControl()

void idleControl ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idleInterrupt()

void idleInterrupt ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ initialiseIdle()

void initialiseIdle ( bool  forcehoming)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initialiseIdleUpOutput()

void initialiseIdleUpOutput ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isStepperHomed()

static byte isStepperHomed ( void  )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ completedHomeSteps

unsigned int completedHomeSteps

◆ currentStatus

integerPID idlePID& currentStatus

The master global "live" status struct. Contains all values that are updated frequently and used across modules

◆ FeedForwardTerm

long FeedForwardTerm

◆ iacCoolTime_uS

unsigned int iacCoolTime_uS

◆ iacCrankDutyTable

struct table2D iacCrankDutyTable

◆ iacCrankStepsTable

struct table2D iacCrankStepsTable

◆ iacPWMTable

struct table2D iacPWMTable

◆ iacStepTable

struct table2D iacStepTable

◆ iacStepTime_uS

unsigned int iacStepTime_uS

◆ idle2_pin_mask

volatile PINMASK_TYPE idle2_pin_mask

◆ idle2_pin_port

volatile PORT_TYPE* idle2_pin_port

◆ idle_cl_target_rpm

long idle_cl_target_rpm

◆ idle_pid_target_value

long idle_pid_target_value

◆ idle_pin_mask

volatile PINMASK_TYPE idle_pin_mask

◆ idle_pin_port

volatile PORT_TYPE* idle_pin_port

◆ idle_pwm_cur_value

volatile unsigned int idle_pwm_cur_value

◆ idle_pwm_max_count

uint16_t idle_pwm_max_count

◆ idle_pwm_state

volatile bool idle_pwm_state

◆ idle_pwm_target_value

unsigned long idle_pwm_target_value

◆ idleCounter

byte idleCounter

◆ idleInitComplete

byte idleInitComplete = 99

◆ idleOn

bool idleOn

◆ idleStepper

struct StepperIdle idleStepper

◆ idleTaper

uint8_t idleTaper

◆ idleUpOutput_pin_mask

volatile PINMASK_TYPE idleUpOutput_pin_mask

◆ idleUpOutput_pin_port

volatile PORT_TYPE* idleUpOutput_pin_port

◆ idleUpOutputHIGH

byte idleUpOutputHIGH = HIGH

◆ idleUpOutputLOW

byte idleUpOutputLOW = LOW

◆ lastDFCOValue

bool lastDFCOValue